Ротор за прицврстување на виklушкар
Опис на производот 1. Функции и апликации Превртување на 360 °, ротирачки вилушкари. Широко се користи во прехранбената индустрија, хемиската индустрија, санитарната индустрија, индустријата за реми, индустријата за топење на миризли, итн.
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Forklift Rotator Hydraulic Attachments OEM Достапни 360 степени со вртење на виklушкар Алатки за прицврстување на виklушкар
1. Products introduction. Rotator is a basic and most usefull forklift attachment.Because a rotator attachment can offer 360 degree revolving motion it allows operators to safely and efficiently rotate loads for dumping, tipping or hand picking. The advantages make rotator ...
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Ви Forушкар со ротирачки вилушки за продажба
Specifications Used in food processing and manufacturing for inverting and dumping loads. Rotators add 360 revolving motion, in both direction Applications: Used in food processing and manufacturing for inverting and dumping loads. Rotators add 360° Revolving motion, in both directions, ...
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Хидрауличен ротатор за виklушкар од 360 степени (приклучок за виklушкар)
1. Eaton powerful hydraulic motor. 2. Rotational Torque-Good torque ensures smooth and positive rotation of the load. 3. The drive box and motor are positioned behind the baseplate to provide maximum visibility for forklift driver. 4. Heavy duty gearbox and ...
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Стегач за виkушкар на ротатор за прицврстување од класа 2 со должина од 1220 мм
Description Fork clamps can be used to hold the goods to carry on 360 degree continuous rotation,and can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production tray to the cheaper transport tray, can be used to transfer the ...
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Functions and Applications Rolling over 360 ° , rotating forklift forks. Widely used in food industry, chemical industry, sanitation industry, recyle industry, smelt casting industry, etc. Features *Proven durable construction design, unique rotating drive system, meed the hight stength continuous ...
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Приклучок на виklушкар на тапан Ротатор
Introduction HUAMAI rotating drum clamps are used wherever product is stored in drums, including the petroleum, chemical and food processing industries. HUAMAI forklift drum clamps improve productivity by allowing a forklift driver to handle up to four drums per load ...
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Forklift Rotator Attachment за продажба
Features 1. Eaton powerful hydraulic motor. 2. Rotational Torque-Good torque ensures smooth and positive rotation of the load. 3. The drive box and motor are positioned behind the baseplate to provide maximum visibility for forklift driver. 4. Heavy duty gearbox ...
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Производители Forklift Rotator вилушка / различен тип и големина Ротатор
Product Features ·Scientific and rational overall design,applicable for various forklift brands,quick operation; ·360-degree rotation clockwise and counterclockwise,self-locking,safe and efficient; ·Window is opened in the center to offer sound field of vision for operator,safe and reliable; ·Stable speed reducing device is ...
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Се продава ротаторски додаток за тешки товари
Features Hydraulic system: hydraulic motor and foreign companies jointly developed by a new generation of products; rotating hinge and seal oil are imported products. Rotating two-way hydraulic oil circuit, self-locking, ensuring safety at work. Structural parts: the slewing bearing slewing ...
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